
GASLANDS : REFUELLED Version Française

Created by Astrolabe Interactive

Version Française du très acclamé GASLANDS : REFUELLED Le jeu post-apocalyptique de carnage motorisé!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

12h Nitro + Sondage Paliers de financement
almost 4 years ago – Sun, May 03, 2020 at 04:02:55 PM

Only 12h to benefit from the NITRO early bird bonus!

Passez le mot, il ne reste que 12h pour profiter du bonus nitro ! 

Précision NITRO

Pour les achats groupés, si la contribution a été faite dans les premières 48h, chaque contrepartie ajoutée dans le gestionnaire de contreparties inclura le bonus NITRO. 

Modifier votre engagement vous donnera toujours accès au bonus NITRO après les 48h tant que vous gardez une contrepartie qui y avait accès (pas Mishkin et Beverly). 

Nous voilà bientôt à 40 000 $ CAD d'atteints ! 

Nous voulons avoir votre avis et vos envies pour les prochains paliers de financement de Gaslands : refuelled en Français ! 

Remplissez le court sondage suivant !

Note : Évidemment, chaque palier n'a pas la même valeur

Plusieurs ont demandé des éléments de décors et pièces de véhicules. Pour l'instant ce n'est pas possible pour nous malheureusement. Notre mission avec ce projet est d'abord la production du livre. Nous regardons toutes les options possible en ce moment.

Merci pour votre confiance !

QUESTION : T-Shirt or no T-Shirt ?
almost 4 years ago – Sun, May 03, 2020 at 04:02:48 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

GASLANDS in French why should I care ? (V2)
almost 4 years ago – Sun, May 03, 2020 at 04:01:52 PM

 Video with English subtitles

 "Gaslands is a car combat game that combines toy cars, movement templates, and dice to allow you to race, skid, and blast your way through a post-apocalyptic dystopian future."  - Mike Hutchinson, Gaslands:Refuelled

Indeed why should you care if you don’t speak French? Because this project will expand the Gaslands community. You want more Gaslanders around the world to play this game so you can wreck their cars, no?

On a more concrete side, we offer a lot of cool add-ons. By supporting this campaign, you will help grow the community and bring the carnage to new players.

Shoot, ram, skid and loot your way through the ruins of civilisation with Gaslands, a tabletop wargame of car-on-car destruction in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Players control small fleets of armed vehicles in battles for resources, dominance and survival.

Learn more on the Gaslands website

  With rules for multiple vehicle types (from motorbikes to big rigs), varied special weapons and accessories (including oil slicks, caltrops and nitro boosters), and a host of options for scenarios, environmental conditions, crew and campaigns, players can tailor games to match their own visions for an anarchic future.

Find the English book here, by Osprey games

Get creative ! 

To get started, assemble some toy cars, kit them out with weapons and choose a scenario. Set up some post-apocalyptic terrain; deploy your cars and roll-off for the first move.

  • The Tabletop Engineer
  •  Guerilla Miniature

  Since you would most likely have no use for a French version of Gaslands at your gaming table we devised two pledge levels that, we hope, will interest you.

Select the “BEVERLY” pledge level to get access to the pledge manager where you’ll be able to select what you want. The 10$ will be applied as a discount on whatever add-on you choose. For example, if you want the template set, the 25$ it costs will get a 10$ discount.

Select the “RUTHERFORD: Add-on only” pledge, this will give you everything, like everything, except the french book and french templates. A must for all wastelanders. Obviously, you’ll also be able to select even more add-on in the pledge manager! 

Not quite !

The French translation is an official Gaslands product, the add-ons are unofficial and are offered by us through the “Friends of Gaslands” structure. Derived products for Gaslands will stay in the Friends of Gaslands scheme forever, thus giving freedom for other creators and enthusiasts to pitch in this amazing community!

Pledge manager

After the campaign we will open a pledge manager. This will allow you to customize your pledge, select add-on and complete your order. By completing the survey presented there, you will assure yourself the best and quickest delivery possible for your pledge. The pledge manager also allows you to change your pledge level.

 Group Order and Add-Ons

Since most of you will want to support this project with the Rutherford pledge. Just add 95$ CAD for every Rutherford pledge you want. You will be able to adjust your pledge in the pledge manager after the end of the campaign. The shipping fee will be a flat fee. The goods will be delivered at one address. It will be your responsibility to share the loot with your group.

To add items to your pledge, manually add the $ amount to your base pledge. After the campaign ends you will be asked which items you'd like to purchase during the survey.


The add-ons are all ready for production so by supporting this campaign you will not wait years to get your pledge! However with the present crisis, there is sadly not a lot that can be 100% sure. We will stay in touch and update the backers regularly as the situation evolves. We will deal with two fulfillment centres, one for North America and one for Europe. This should minimize the customs and shipping fees. Shipping will be applied at the end of the pledge manager. Here is an estimated shipping fee for the different pledge levels.

Our young team is passionate about fantasy, sci-fi and other wonderful fiction universes. Manuel and François-Xavier are especially crazy with dystopia and post-apocalyptic universe. They are among the pioneers of the first LARPs of that genre in the province of Quebec (Soleil Noir & Carbone 14). They also created a small print run of a post-apocalyptic board game the ‘'Road to New Eden’’ in 2013. They discovered Gaslands:Refuelled in October 2019 and went nuts! Since then, they converted half of the studio to the joy of televised carnage! So it seems just natural that Astrolabe translates this incredible game in French. Osprey Games agreed, so here we are!

Manuel and FX in the middle top

From its original start in 2017, Gaslands got a real strong, creative and growing community. The release of Gaslands:Refuelled in septembre 2019 gave a new swing to a well-oiled wheel. One of the reasons why this community is so strong is the Friends of Gaslands scheme created by the author, Mike Hutchinson. This structure and the endless creativity of the players allow the Gaslands community to thrive and keep growing. For us bringing Gaslands:Refuelled in French is a great way to bring new players to the mayhem.

We need your help to make this translation of Gaslands:Refuelled a success. There are a lot of expenses needed for the translation and production cost. So we count this incredible community to help us initiate new players to the joy of televised carnage!

Risk and challenges

For this project we will work with the same company that printed the English version of Gaslands:Refuelled. This way we are confident that the quality will be there, those people have proven to be professionals. At this state of the present world situation. It is pretty unsure on how this will affect the production and fulfillment centres. Rest assured we will keep our backers in the loop!

Frais de port, achats groupés et points de chute
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 08:13:59 AM


Wow nous voilà déjà à deux doigts du but en seulement 10h ! 

On voit que la communauté l'attendait de pied ferme ce livre ! Merci à tous et toutes pour votre support, ça fait chaud au cœur. Nous sommes très fiers d'avoir pris ce projet sous notre aile. Je profite de cette mise à jour pour éclaircir la question de la livraison et des frais de port.

Vous avez été plusieurs à critiquer les frais de port de la campagne. En effet, quand on compare avec Amazon et sa livraison gratuite ou bien avec plusieurs boutiques qui vous livrent pour quelques pièces seulement, ces frais peuvent paraître surprenants. J'en profite donc pour faire la lumière sur ces coûts.

Nous utiliserons les services de centres de distribution pour l'envoi de vos contreparties afin de faciliter la livraison et réduire les frais de douane. C'est là que sera reçu et entreposé le matériel de nos différents fournisseurs. Lorsque tous les éléments seront sur place, ils seront assemblés, emballés pour l'envoi puis livrés vers vous. Dans le plus grand soucis de transparence, nous vous avons préparé ce graphique qui exprime la réalité de ces coûts :

Quoi faire pour réduire ces frais ?

Vous vous êtes posés la question et nous aussi. Voici deux alternatives pour réduire ces frais : les achats groupés et les points de collecte.

Vous êtes plusieurs amis à vouloir le livre et les accessoires ? Réduisez vos frais de port en faisant un achat groupé. Voici ce qu'on vous a préparé : 


Dédiez l'un d'entre-vous qui s'occupera de la commande et faites tout livrer à la même adresse ! Vous n'avez qu'à augmenter le montant de votre engagement dans Kickstarter en prenant en compte les ajouts que vous désirez faire. 

Par exemple, pour faire un achat groupé de [ IDRIS + RUTHERFORD + Dés de manoeuvre ], choisissez la contrepartie la plus chère et ajoutez la valeur des suppléments et autres contreparties. [ IDRIS (100$) + Rutherford (95$) + Dés de manoeuvre (20$) = 215$ ]. 

Vous avez un doute sur le montant ?  Vous pensez vouloir ajouter un supplément à la dernière minute ? 

Pas de soucis ! Vous pourrez aussi modifier votre engagement dans le gestionnaire de contrepartie à la fin de la campagne. Vous aurez la liberté ainsi d'ajouter des contreparties, des accessoires ou de réviser votre engagement. 

Pour un Achat groupé, le tout sera débité sur un seul compte et sera livré à une seule adresse. Vous aurez la responsabilité de séparer le butin avec votre groupe.

Pour réduire vos coûts et encourager vos boutiques ludiques, vous pourrez aussi choisir de récupérer votre colis dans l'une des boutiques participantes. Vous pourrez choisir le point de chute le plus prêt de vous dans le gestionnaire de contreparties à la fin de la campagne.  

Avec la collecte en boutique, nous espérons pouvoir réduire considérablement vos frais de port. Nous attendons toutefois des confirmations des centres de distribution avant de vous donner un prix exact.

Pour l'instant, voici les boutiques participantes:

  •  QUÉBEC - Chez Geek 1663 Saint-Denis, Montréal, Québec 
  •  FRANCE - S.P.L. Collection 22 Rue la Fayette, 75009 Paris, France 
  •  BELGIQUE -  L’Autre Monde Rue Hors-Château 20, 4000 Liège, Belgique  

Vous aimeriez y ajouter votre boutique ? Contactez-nous via Kickstarter ou à [email protected] avec les informations de votre boutique. 

Merci une fois de plus pour votre confiance et votre engagement! 

  Manuel Bergeron, président d'Astrolabe Interactive

GASLANDS in French why should I care ?
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 02:00:38 PM

"Gaslands is a car combat game that combines toy cars, movement templates, and dice to allow you to race, skid, and blast your way through a post-apocalyptic dystopian future."  - Mike Hutchinson, Gaslands:Refuelled

Indeed why should you care if you don’t speak French? Because this project will expand the Gaslands community. You want more Gaslanders around the world to play this game so you can wreck their cars, no?

On a more concrete side, we offer a lot of cool add-ons. By supporting this campaign, you will help grow the community and bring the carnage to new players.

  • The Tabletop Engineer
  • Guerilla Miniature

Since you would most likely have no use for a French version of Gaslands at your gaming table we devised two pledge levels that, we hope, will interest you.

Select the “BEVERLY” pledge level to get access to the pledge manager where you’ll be able to select what you want. The 10$ will be applied as a discount on whatever add-on you choose. For example, if you want the template set, the 25$ it costs will get a 10$ discount.

Select the “RUTHERFORD: Add-on only” pledge, this will give you everything, like everything, except the french book and french templates. A must for all wastelanders. Obviously, you’ll also be able to select even more add-on in the pledge manager!

Not quite! 

The French translation is an official Gaslands product, the add-ons are created by us through the “Friends of Gaslands” structure. Derived products for Gaslands will stay in the Friends of Gaslands scheme forever, thus giving freedom for other creators and enthusiasts to pitch in this amazing community! 

Pledge manager

After the campaign we will open a pledge manager. This will allow you to customize your pledge, select add-on and complete your order. By completing the survey presented there, you will assure yourself the best and quickest delivery possible for your pledge. The pledge manager also allows you to change your pledge level.

 Group Order and Add-Ons

Since most of you will want to support this project with the Rutherford pledge. Just add 95$ CAD for every Rutherford pledge you want. You will be able to adjust your pledge in the pledge manager after the end of the campaign. The shipping fee will be a flat fee. The goods will be delivered at one address. It will be your responsibility to share the loot with your group.

To add items to your pledge, manually add the $ amount to your base pledge. After the campaign ends you will be asked which items you'd like to purchase during the survey.


The add-ons are all ready for production so by supporting this campaign you will not wait years to get your pledge! However with the present crisis, there is sadly not a lot that can be 100% sure. We will stay in touch and update the backers regularly as the situation evolves. We will deal with two fulfillment centres, one for North America and one for Europe. This should minimize the customs and shipping fees. Shipping will be applied at the end of the pledge manager. Here is an estimated shipping fee for the different pledge levels. 

Our young team is passionate about fantasy, sci-fi and other wonderful fiction universes. Manuel and François-Xavier are especially crazy with dystopia and post-apocalyptic universe. They are among the pioneers of the first LARPs of that genre in the province of Quebec (Soleil Noir & Carbone 14). They also created a small print run of a post-apocalyptic board game the ‘'Road to New Eden’’ in 2013. They discovered Gaslands:Refuelled in October 2019 and went nuts! Since then, they converted half of the studio to the joy of televised carnage! So it seems just natural that Astrolabe translates this incredible game in French. Osprey Games agreed, so here we are!

Manuel and FX in the middle top

From its original start in 2017, Gaslands got a real strong, creative and growing community. The release of Gaslands:Refuelled in septembre 2019 gave a new swing to a well-oiled wheel. One of the reasons why this community is so strong is the Friends of Gaslands scheme created by the author, Mike Hutchinson. This structure and the endless creativity of the players allow the Gaslands community to thrive and keep growing. For us bringing Gaslands:Refuelled in French is a great way to bring new players to the mayhem.

We need your help to make this translation of Gaslands:Refuelled a success. There are a lot of expenses needed for the translation and production cost. So we count this incredible community to help us initiate new players to the joy of televised carnage!

Risk and challenges 

For this project we will work with the same company that printed the English version of Gaslands:Refuelled. This way we are confident that the quality will be there, those people have proven to be professionals. At this state of the present world situation. It is pretty unsure on how this will affect the production and fulfillment centres. Rest assured we will keep our backers in the loop!